Blog,  Cupcakes

Cake Lace

Cupcakes and lace go together perfectly. It used to be that you had to hand pipe the lace with royal icing, a time consuming job which would require the patience of a saint. Then came along sugarveil, but to be honest it still took too long and I rarely used it. But then, a revelation appears, Cake Lace. Cake Lace is easy to use and effective. It isn’t as fine as sugarveil but it is certainly a great alternative when you don’t have all day to sit and play with cakes.

Cake Lace was created by Claire Bowman, to see more examples or find out where to buy it visit her Facebook page.

Below are a collection of cupcakes I made this week, combining both Cake Lace and the old fashioned hand piped royal icing.

Katy xx


Katy xx

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